Word of the Day

"Word of the Day" is a personal project where I illustrate the Merriam Webster Word of the Day.
#21 Passel (noun) - a large number or group of people or things...

Or fish? 
#22 Quaff (noun) - an alcoholic drink
#23 Verdure (noun) - 1 : the greenness of growing vegetation; also : such vegetation itself

2 : a condition of health and vigor

#24 MacGuffin (noun) - an object, event, or character in a film or story that serves to set and keep the plot in motion despite usually lacking intrinsic importance. 

#25 Liminal (adjective) - of, relating to, or being an intermediate state, phase, or condition.

#26 Berate (verb) - to scold or criticise (someone) in a loud and angry way. 
Word of the Day

Word of the Day


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